Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Venice, Italy

Haven't you ever wanted to ride a tiny, long boat where someone was singing to you in a romantic and foreign language, pushing the boat as it goes? I always see it in movies. Whenever I watch one of those icky lovey dovey honeymoon movies where the couple goes on a vacation to a different country like Italy, there's always a scene where they ride a romantic boat along a narrow river and site see the islands of Venice. And then they plant a kiss...

As romantic as it seems, it just seems so calming. What I need right now is a vacation where I can relax my worked up body. Everyday I sit around and do homework, eat a feast for dinner, run to my classes, and go to sports practices. It's one busy hell of a life. All i need is TIME. Not that I need it.. I just WANT it. So I know for sure that I will one day go to Venice and experience this calmness myself (and maybe I could bring a companion... maybe my future husband??) :D

I know that this would be ages away, but I just found out that the 118 tiny islands of Venice are sinking at a rate of 2.5 inches per decade. It may seem a little, but that's actually a lot because the world has another 12408264084752934875023496509387450193846052987402486503924875093248650238475329485720348650239847502394875 and more years to go. I know I'll probably be dead by then, but before some islands disappear, I would love to take a trip to Venice. I heard its a little dirty, but I know it will always stay beautiful.

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